KSSCO| About
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Kimzey Software Solutions was started in 2000 when brothers Kerry and Kyle Kimzey combined forces. Kyle, whose degree is in Information Systems with a minor in Accounting, had spent seven years as the top salesman for a metal software company. He could see the future heading toward Windows-based software instead of the DOS-based products that were then popular. Kerry, who had finished an MBA degree, was recruited to run the business and financial side of things, and Kimzey Software Solutions was born. The brothers purchased a Windows-based metal software package that was just being developed, hired programmers, and began to design and develop the premier metal software that became the industry leader known as MetalTrax. Five years later, Kimzery Software expanded into the glass fabrication industry at the request of a third brother, Keith. Frustrated with the lack of quality, industry-specific, affordable glass software, Keith asked if Kimzey Software would develop software for glass professionals like himself. In 2006, GlassTrax was ready to market. Kimzey Software Solutions continues to excel in software for both the metal/steel industry and the glass fabrication industry. MetalTrax and GlassTrax remain at the cutting edge of the industries for which they were created by listening to current customers and by implementing forward-thinking technologies and changes.

For a full list of our Products including support and consultancy for start-up businesses please see the Our Products section of the website.

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